Managing the Clash of Veterans,
Boomers, Xers, and Nexters in Your Workplace


Zemke, R., Raines, C., and Filipczak, B. (2000), New York: American Management Association





The legions of ancient Rome were composed of ten cohorts each: cohesive units of 300-600 men.  The cohorts' training and socialization equipped them to behave as a single mind in battle.  Social demographers use the term cohorts to refer to people born in the same general time span who share key life experiences.  The size of the cohort itself influences it's characteristics, as well as political, social, and economic trends.



§          Veterans and those born during the war years (the Civic Generation and the Silent Generation)  faced rich opportunities until the 1980s with the increasing competition from Japanese productivity.

§          The current generation (Generation Xers)  are the most highly educated, technologically savvy cohort group to enter the workplace in significant numbers.  However, they exist in a workforce of limited upward mobility that none of the preceding generations can comprehend.

§          Baby Boomers had many career choices, with an emphasis on life, work, and team as interchangeable terms.

§          Generation Xers feel the need to be flexible and spontaneous with opportunities, since the economy and job market have experienced such rapid changes. This has presented challenges with more limited career opportunities.


Generations are shaped by common experiences, defining moments, history, demographics, economics, and culture.





The Veterans (1922-1943):

They came of age before, during, and right after WWII, and before the arrival of the Baby Boomers.  They are characterized by All-American values, civic pride, loyalty, respect for authority, being true traditionalists, "keepers of the grail" of yesteryear, a pain at times to the action-oriented Boomers and the technology-crazy Xers, good "soldiers", solid performers, Gray Panthers (own billions of dollars in real estate in the Sun Belt, are a  political force through the American Association of Retired Persons (AARP), and are CEO's of many Fortune 500 companies).


The Veterans' Generational Personality

§          Veterans like consistency and uniformity

§          Veterans like things on a grand scale

§          Veterans are conformers

§          Veterans believe in logic, not magic or art as leaders

§          Veterans are disciplined

§          Veterans are past oriented and history absorbed: they look to the past to find precedents and use data to make choices

§          Veterans have always believed in law and order

§          Veterans spending style is conservative


The Veterans On the Job


§          Stable

§          Detail oriented

§          Thorough

§          Loyal

§          Hard working


§          Inept with ambiguity and change

§          Reluctant to buck the system

§          Uncomfortable with conflict

§          Reticent when they disagree


The Veterans' Work Ethic

§          Loyalty, dependability, stick-to-it-ism

§          Work hard to get things accomplished

§          A job is something to have over the long haul

§          Value the team over individualism on the job

§          Duty before pleasure

§          You can't have it all


The Veterans' Leadership Style

§          Directive style

§          Standard operating procedures

§          Command and control leadership

§          Lombardi, Patton, and MacArthur

§          Take charge, delegate, and make the bulk of decisions themselves

§          They enjoy working with large teams; they enjoy baseball and football

§          Use of the personal touch; not as excited about e-mails, voice mail, or faxes



The Baby Boomers (1943-1960):

They came of age in the 1950s and 1960s with many options and choices, but with the Vietnam War as a major factor.  They are characterized by a passion for participation and spirit in the workplace, bringing heart and humanity to the office, about creating a fair and level playing field for all.  They are the civil rights, empowerment, and diversity generation.  They have great energy and enthusiasm for causes.  This is the cohort that invented:  "We are grateful that it is Monday, so we can begin the work week".


The Baby Boomers' Generational Personality

§          They believe in growth and expansion

§          They think of themselves as the stars of the show

§          They tend to be optimistic

§          In schools and at home, the Boomers learned about teamwork

§          They have pursued their own personal gratification, uncompromisingly, and often at a high price to themselves and others.

§          They have searched their souls-repeatedly, obsessively, and recreationally

§          The Boomers have always been cool



First Half/Second Half: The Boomer Dichotomy


The Older Boomers: came of age in the 1950s and early 1960s.

§          They tend to be more idealistic

§          They are more likely to be workaholics

§          They are more likely to put their careers first and their family second

§          They were influenced by the anti -Vietnam War movement, the Women's Movement, the Civil Rights Movement, and other societal changes

§          They are driven to achieve economic success (the "Yuppies")


The Late Boomers: came of age in the late 1960s and early 1970s

§          They feel less driven for material success

§          They make decisions based on the family, rather than the career

§          They see parenting roles as emotional and involving

§          They had experience with downsizing; causing them to feel less gung-ho about management and more cynical

§          They feel that good work habits and positive mental attitudes are not always rewarded

§          They sometimes identify with Generation Xers who cite Dilbert as their cultural hero


Baby Boomers on the Job


§          Service oriented

§          Driven

§          Willing to "go the extra mile"

§          Good at relationships

§          Want to please

§          Good team players


§          Not naturally "budget minded"

§          Uncomfortable with conflict

§          Reluctant to go against peers

§          May put process ahead of result

§          Overly sensitive to feedback

§          Judgmental of those who see things differently

§          Focused on self


Leadership styles

1.      Collegial, consensual

2.      Concerned about participation and spirit in the workplace, heart and humanity in the office

3.      Creating a level playing field, influenced by the civil rights movement

4.      Believe in the magic and art of leadership



The Xers (1961-1980):

They came of age in the 1970s and 1980s when the economy was going through difficult changes with the move to a global economy, and the technological revolution.  They are characterized by being the new change masters; masters of technology and its applications; wanting to have balance in their lives; a need for feedback and flexibility; and are generally positive about their futures.


The Generation Xers Generational  Personality

§          They are self-reliant

§          They are seeking a sense of family; small group activities, concept of "Friends";  creating nuclear families out of a group of strangers

§          They want balance: reaction to the workaholic Boomers; their parents lived to work; Xers want to work to live

§          They don't buy the Supermom and Superdad theory that you can have it all

§          They have a non-traditional orientation about time and space: they would like to do work at home, during odd hours, use the cell phone, and telecommute.

§          They like informality: casual days are taken very seriously

§          Their approach to authority is casual: formal hierarchical relationships are lost on Gen Xers;

§          We all put on our Dockers one leg at a time".

§          Are skeptical: they watch to see if words meet actions; they are told "be careful out there, it's a dangerous world".

§          They are attracted to the edge: the "X" games were named in their honor (their sports are related more to individual challenges).

§          They are technologically savvy: played video games, operated the microwave, and programmed the VCR when little.


Gen Xers's Core Values

§          Diversity

§          Thinking globally

§          Balance

§          Technoliteracy

§          Fun

§          Informality

§          Self-reliance

§          Pragmatism


Gen Xers's On the Job


§          Adaptable

§          Technoliterate

§          Independent

§          Not intimidated by authority

§          Creative


§          Impatient

§          Poor people skills

§          Inexperienced

§          Cynical


Gen Xers: First -Half Generation  "Please sir, can I have some more?"

§          Came into the marketplace during a severe downturn; downsizing, layoffs, parents having economic difficulties, no stabiltiy

§          Everyone needs to watch out for themselves

§          Whole generation of corporate nomads

§          Only ticket is to develop real skills on the job: recent jump in internships in college (10 years ago 3% of college graduates had internships; now closer to 33% had internships)

§          Many college graduates needed to take low paying jobs outside their field, particularly Liberal Arts majors


Gen Xers: The Gold-Collar Workers

§          With the labor shortage reaching a peak in 1997 and the explosion in information technology, a high premium is being placed on people knowledgeable about technology/computers and/or willing to learn

§          The gold-collar workers are college graduates trained in computers

§          They would like to bring pets to work, work odd hours, work fewer hours, and have fun at work

§          They are in the driver's seat with respect to the hiring process, since there are many unfilled technology positions.

§          They know that work is no guarantee of survival, that corporations can downsize at any time



Gen Xers Leadership Style

§          Skilled at supporting and developing a responsive, competent team of people, changing direction or projects on a dime

§          Egalitarian, rather than hierarchical

§          Interest in promoting involvement and participation

§          Leadership is a job, not magic

§          Competent, fair, straightforward leaders

§          Create circles of people into "campus cultures", with recreational opportunities

§          Communication through listserv, email, chat rooms

§          Need to reinforce that some administrative and/or repetitive aspects of jobs are necessary; detail  needs to be paid attention to; and there needs to be checking on the quality of things done

§          Need to provide as much freedom as possible; help to develop a broad range of diverse skills

§          Keep training materials brief

§          Provide constructive feedback

§          Provide multiple tasks


The Gen Xers: Messages that Motivate

§          "Do it your way"

§          "We've got the newest hardware and software"

§          "There aren't a lot of rules here"

§          "We're not very hierarchical"



The Nexters (1980-2000):

They came of age in the 1990s when the technology revolution was expanding; the oldest are now beginning to enter college.  They are characterized by: support and protection from parents; optimistic; civic minded; barriers of time and space appear to be less absolute for them (ie. emailing internet pen pals in Asia); "good scouts"; willing to work and learn; and are recycling back to the Veterans and the Civic Generation.


Nexter's Generational Personality

§          Technological sophistication:  can process large amounts of visual information; advanced motor, spatial, and strategy skills via game technology

§          Positive expectations

§          Apparent bent for collective action

§          Emphasis on civic duty

§          Confidence

§          Achievement oriented

§          Sociability

§          Morality

§          Street smarts: knowledge about the dangers of gangs, guns, aids, anorexia, etc.

§          Diversity

§          "Soccer moms" as involved parents

§          Feel more comfortable with style of the Veterans, not the Gen Xers or the Boomers

§          Look like a modern, new version of grandparents and great-grandparents: belief in collective action; optimism about the future; trust in centralized authority; a will to get things done; and a heroic spirit in the face of overwhelming odds

§          Have a stricter moral code/center

§          Sacrifice personal pleasure for the greater common good




Nexters on the Job


§          Collective action

§          Optimism

§          Tenacity

§          Heroic spirit

§          Multi-tasking capabilities

§          Technological savvy


§          Need for supervision and structure

§          Inexperience, particularly with handling difficult people issues

§          Howe and Strauss predict Nexters will demand  pay equity among all workers; will create fewer job definitions; reestablish  the middle class; downgrade exorbitant CEO and executive salaries; create trade barriers;  create more government regulations about labor standards; and will revitilize  labor unions.


The Nexters: Messages that Motivate

§          "You'll be working with other bright, creative people"

§          "You and your co-workers can have a large impact on our work"

§          "You can be a hero here"



Guidelines for working with multi-generational workplaces: The ACORN Principles


§          Accommodate employee differences: personal scheduling needs; work-life balance issues; and non-traditional lifestyles.

§          Create workplace choices: casual dress policies; foreshortened chain of command; change is an assumed way of doing business.

§          Operate from a sophisticated management style: ACORN leaders

§       Their supervisory style is not fixed. Control and autonomy are a continuum, not solitary options

§       Their leadership style is situationally varied.  Some decisions are consensual, some are less so.

§       They depend less on positional and more on personal power

§       They know when and how to make personal policy exceptions

§       They are thoughtful when matching individuals to a team or a team or individual to an assignment

§       They balance concern for tasks and concern for people

§       They understand the elements of trust and work to gain it from their employees.

§          Respect competence and initiative.

§          Nourish retention




§          What are the implications for working with our student leaders?

§          What type of leadership/supervision are they looking for?

§          What types of things are they most likely to challenge? support?

§          How can you be most successful as a leader/supervisor based on these generational characteristics?

§          How do you best prepare for the transition between Gen Xers and the Nexters?