I.                   Plan to Plan


A.    Where are we?


1.      Organizational mission, vision, priorities, and values

2.      Focus of our efforts: students and their success at this university

3.      Financial implications

4.      Programs and services


B.     Where do we want to go?


1.      Definition of aims

2.      Strategic plans to achieve aims

3.      Evaluation of strategic aims in light of strengths, weaknesses, constraints, and current focus


C.     What are the primary resources or functional areas within our department that will assist us in meeting our goals?


1.      Organizational resources  (Structure: are we structured in the best way?)

2.      Staff resources  (Do we have the staff to carry out our goals?)

3.      Facility resources (Do we have the office design and space necessary to accomplish our goals?

4.      Managerial resources (Do we have the managerial resources to coordinate our efforts?)

5.      Financial resources (Do we have the necessary finances to accomplish our goals?)

6.      Marketing resources (Do we market/publicize) our resources to students?)

7.      Programmatic resources (Do we possess the necessary programs to meet student needs for our area?)

8.      Services resources (Do we possess the necessary services to meet student needs for our area?)

9.      Other


D.    Which strategies (or tactics) will achieve our goals?


1.      Balance aims/ideals and realistic appraisal of our current position

2.      Conclusions concerning goals and strategies to achieve them


E.     What decisions need to be made now to achieve our goals?


1.      Short-term budgets

2.      Short-term organizational decisions


F.     Monitor performance


                  G. Review and re-evaluate


II. Strategic Planning


A.    Master Strategies


1.      Vision

2.      Mission

3.      Priorities

4.      Goals


B.     Major Strategies


1.      Program Strategies

2.      Organizational Strategies

3.      Personnel Strategies


a.       staff training

b.      performance appraisal

c.       recruitment

d.      written expectations

e.       career development for staff


4.      Financial Strategies


a.       sources of income

b.      development and management of the budget

c.       cost-effective operations

d.      audit of requisitions, purchases,

e.       adequate reserves (auxiliaries)


5.      Marketing Strategies


a.       market research- trend analysis

b.      environmental scanning

c.       public relations

d.      selection of our target audience


6.      Physical Environment Strategies

a.       office design and utilization

b.      maintenance of equipment

c.       renovations and repair

d.      new building


C.    Development of Information


1.      WOTS UP? Analysis


a.       Weaknesses           )

b.      Opportunities         )

c.       Threats                   )         Underlying Planning

d.       Strengths               )


2.      Internal Stakeholders/Expectations/Interests


a.       students

b.      staff

c.       other areas of Student Affairs, Business Affairs, Academic Affairs

d.      others


3.      External Stakeholders


a.       community

b.      UW System

c.       parents

d.      legislature

e.       board of regents

f.       others


4.      Data bases


a.       budget

b.      satisfaction and needs survey results

c.       assessment reports

d.      others


II.                Tactical Planning


A.    Medium-range strategies and tactics to implement them


B.     Short-range strategies and tactics


C.    Implementation of plans


D. Review and evaluation of plans