University of Wisconsin Oshkosh

Student Health Center


Quality Improvement Study Form


Title of study:  Documentation and follow up of lab and x-ray results

Study Timeframe:  Data collection will include all send out lab orders and x-rays ordered in October 2004. 

Problem Statement:  This study will be conducted to verify that lab and x-ray results are filed within time limits as defined in policy (within 2 working days of receipt) and to verify that providers are providing follow up on test results according to policy (within 7 days of receipt).

Problem Measurement:  (frequency, severity and/or source)

All charts that have send out lab or x-ray orders on them during Oct. 2004 will be reviewed by the medical record clerk using the attached checklist.






171 send out labs and 2 x-rays sent out in Oct.


Average time for results=2.95 days

3        (.02%)=8 days


From received to filing= 17 (10%) greater than 2 days, 16=Chlamydia, 1=Chem Panel


Notified within 7 days of filing= 170 or (99%),  1 pertussis was 8 days


Measures taken to resolve problem: (flowsheet, staff education, policy/process change)

Policy needs to be changed to reflect that lab work done with other labs (paps & chlamydias etc.) will await filing in the chart until the final lab result gets received. 




Recommendations for re-study:  None



Problem Improvement/Change:


Policy Change only




Date reviewed and approved by Quality Committee:  Nov. 16, 2004, Dec. 9, 2004

Adm. QI Study Form, Created 7-11-03