Digital Technology Resources: Enhancing Wellness Delivery
Bill Hettler, MD

Presented Tuesday, July 15th, 2003 at the
28th Annual National Wellness Conference

1. To be able to identify development tools for creating wellness content.

PowerPoint FrontPage MacroMedia Demo Site
Word HyperText Markup Language (HTML) Advanced HTML Editors

2. To be able to identify innovative uses of communication tools for wellness.

Interactive Voice Broadcasting Systems Interactive Voice Response Broadcast Voice Mail Messages
Digital Video Capture ATI TV Wonder VE Remote Control Sound Forge

3. To be able to identify examples of technologies being used that can enhance community.

Self Help Sourcebook AOL Health Resources
Yahoo Groups MyFamily.Com

4. To be able to identify techniques for insuring that content messages are reliable, and unbiased.

Readability - what is the reading level of the user?

Comprehension - what is the baseline level of topic or content understanding by user?

Comprehensiveness - is the user interested in "Just the Facts" or the detailed analysis?

Preferred Language - what is the native language for the user/viewer?

If we imagine the user/viewer sitting in front of their computer, and just talk to them, we will probably use the correct words. One of the advantages of web based education is that tools are being created that make it easy to convert language to be better matched to the desired client preferences. Hyperlinks can quickly take the user to similar pages that are customized to their preferences.

Science Panel on Interactive
Communication and Health (SciPICH)

Translation Software


The use of technology is continuing to expand into daily use by an ever-increasing percentage of world citizens. We'll examine how user-friendly content development tools can assist professionals in delivering useful information to clients, patients, consumers or even strangers. We will discuss examples of innovation in forming new ways of communicating in asynchronous as well as real-time modes. We will also discuss how these technologies can be used to integrate medical care systems with wellness programs. We will discuss the pros and cons of using email for medical and wellness communication. We will encourage the use of standards that insure high quality, unbiased content.

Listed below are demonstration sites for topics included in the presentation.

MacroMedia Demo Site

Powerful Development Tools

Keirsey Temperament Sorter II

On Line Assessment of Personality Type, one of many similar assessments available on line.

The Part Detective

Intuitive help in finding the right part. How about finding the right wellness information?

You can track your own health, with a minimum of ads.

Try to find out who is behind this site!

TestWell Dot Org

Easy to manage wellness assessment at low cost.

Sound Forge

A great sound editing tool.

Adobe® Premiere® 6.0

Multi-track video editing tools.


First, Do No Harm! by Jonathon Robison


Kemper and Mettler have just released their new book,  Information Therapy: Prescribed Information as a Reimbursable Medical Service

PowerPoint to Web Page

You can go from a PowerPoint presentation to a set of web pages with one click of a mouse.

Resizing Pictures for Web Use

PowerPoint Method for Resizing Pictures

More Examples and Resource Sites
Information at the point of decision

Make sure you know about this law.

Build your own custom portal.

Build your own personal information center.

Open Directory Project

The Open Directory Project is the largest, most comprehensive human-edited directory of the Web. It is constructed and maintained by a vast, global army of volunteer editors.

Large community site for Linux users which includes innovative technology information. (Weblog site)

Google Image Search

Find images quickly based on search criteria.


Technology Portal

Finger Phone Organizing and Controlling your e-mail! Miniaturization

There is a theoretical limit to how small gadgets can be.

Source for Smaller Gadgets

Early announcements and downloads of new products.

Find mailing lists of other people interested in any topic.

Tom's Hardware

Computer hardware reviews. Benchmarking of components. Yahoo Auctions
Self Help Sourcebook AOL Health Resources
Yahoo Groups MyFamily.Com
Business Today Quote

''It's all a state of mind. If you think you're in a community, it's a community.''

David Bohnett, Founder, Geocities

E-community - Bringing communities closer

"The idea of a virtual community went down well with the folks. But it was also important to have face-to-face interaction among the online community."

Jeff Ooi, the 40-year-old founder of the Malaysian web community.

Nation's First E-communities Planning Framework

Virginia Governor Jim Gilmore today unveiled the nation's first statewide Guiding Principles for planning and developing E-communities.

Electronic Communities e-Communities Task Force e-Communities for Kids
The Bear Internet Use in America Internet Hosts
Intelligent Agents 6 TV Uncommercials Lorenzo's Oil

The Myelin Project

NWI KnowingTree Netizens NetBook e-mail etiquette 
ICQ Religious Organization Site
INTERNET ADDICTION GUIDE Net Addiction Balancing How Many Plates? 
Handicap Accessible Web Pages Translation Software Search Engines
Free Internet Phone Calls First Virtual Communications and CUseeMe Networks have completed their merger. Your choice of 2500+ radio stations

Welcome to Radio-Locator, the most comprehensive radio station search engine on the internet. We have links to over 10,000 radio station web pages and over 2500 audio streams from radio stations in the U.S. and around the world.

What is Jabber?

The coolest IM system on the planet

AOL Instant Messenger(SM)


There have been 100 million registrations of the AOL Instant Messenger (SM) service. These users know that it is the easiest way to:

  • Receive instant alerts

  • Send instant messages

  • Share photos, pictures and sounds

  • Enjoy live conversations online - FREE

  • Chat with friends and family or people with similar interests

  • Stay on top of the news and stocks


Instant messaging: How to plug its holes in your security

Instant messaging is popular and convenient. You can get a quick yes or no from a colleague without even leaving your desk. But, unfortunately, convenience has its price. An innocent chat with a co-worker using your favorite instant messaging software could expose you to eavesdroppers or make it possible for someone to send you malicious code.