University of Wisconsin Oshkosh

Student Health Center


Quality Improvement Study Form


Title of Study:                         Headache Study


Study Time Frame:


                        February 1, 2004 to April 30, 2004 Data collection May 2004


Problem Statement:


Do patient records indicate a thorough patient history was taken, based on the guidelines set forth as Standards of Care for Headache Diagnosis and Treatment by the National Headache Foundation?


Problem Measurement:


Nineteen items were identified as “data necessary” to establish a thorough patient history.” These were the same guidelines used for the headache study completed May 30, 2003.


Two new flow sheets were developed in the fall of 2003 to be used for obtaining headache histories and to assess headache symptoms. They included the “data necessary” and were introduced into practice at the SHC February 1, 2004.




A total of 23 patient records with a diagnosis of tension or migraine/vascular headache were reviewed. An average of eighty-nine percent of the records contained all data necessary to establish a thorough patient history.


In 18 of the 23 records reviewed, the newly developed headache history and headache assessment flow sheets were utilized. In this subgroup, 100% of the records contained the data identified as necessary for the study.


Measures taken to resolve problem:


Study results to be shared with all providers and quality committee. Encourage regular use of headache history and assessment flow sheets.


Recommendations for re-study:


                                    None identified.


Problem Improvement/Change:


This study suggests a significant improvement over the study completed May 30, 2003 in which only 46% of the 67 records reviewed, contained the data necessary for establishing a thorough patient history.


Respectfully submitted Janice Hahn-Peskie, A.P.N.P.


Date reviewed and approved by Quality Committee:_______________________________