One of the select missions of the University of Wisconsin at Stevens Point is to "provide programs in wellness and health promotion". The Division of Student Affairs has fashioned goals, objectives and specific programs and services around the wellness concept in order to better support this important mission.


Leading a wellness lifestyle means developing an active awareness of how to function at a higher level of well-being. It requires active involvement in gaining knowledge and making informed decisions that will lead to a healthy productive life. Therefore, our student development programs and services attempt to connect theory and practice by linking lessons to life.

The student development programs below are grouped within the six dimensions of wellness most commonly utilized by the university. They are Social, Physical, Intellectual, Career, Emotional, Spiritual (SPICES). Programs from each unit are referenced by a specific objective which in turn responds to the goal we have established for each dimension.



SOCIAL DIMENSION GOAL - To challenge and support students in the creation of healthy families, communities and organizations which foster a relationship between others and their environments.





- To encourage students to make responsible

- Individual counseling

choices which respect both self and others.

- Group informational sessions on topics such as relationships, assertive


behavior, family issues, group living, etc.

Health Services


- To involve staff and lifestyle assistants in

- Leadership for the System mandated campus-wide environmental

efforts to improve the social milieu at

health and safety committee.


- Advise, train and empower the Student Health Advisory Committee


and the Student Lifestyle Assistant program


- Campus outreach activities to halls, organizations, local schools, etc.

University Housing


- To encourage students to govern them-

- Clear democratic policy/decision making structures in each hall and

selves responsibly through various hall

on each floor (constitutions, job descriptions, etc.)

governance structures

- Establish community principles and fair policies throughout the halls

- To provide safe, clean, comfortable

- Advising, training and empowering student staffs and student

environments for living and studying

organization leaders

- To model responsible actions dealing with

- Assist individuals in resolving conflicts and provide consultation on

limited environmental resources through

roommate/house agreements

positive aspects of recycling and

- Skill development programs such as assertiveness, gender roles,


parent relationships, etc.


- Hall/floor/wing activities such as family weekends, dances, films and


various other social events


- Clean, comfortable, well designed living areas with adequate common


spaces, recycling chutes, kitchens, service desks and private spaces


- Recycling and resource conservation programs


Social Objectives continued

Rights and Responsibilities


- To promote and provide for a just and

- Individual conduct hearings, consultation, and sanctions when necessary

secure campus culture

- Student conduct boards (residential community)


- Educational programs on safety, sexual assault, harassment, community




- Create and disseminate materials on rules, regulations, procedures and


statistics related to behavioral expectations

University Centers


- To inform students of ways to actively

- Advise and train student governance bodies such as the Student Government

shape university life through campus

Association, the University Centers Advisory and Policy Committee and


various activity boards/organizations

- To provide safe, clean, comfortable

- Provide services and officer training for 150 student organizations

environments conducive to the provision

- Administer to the service and training needs of the community

of the central services, educational

volunteer program and the student employment program

programs and a sense of community

- Provide social programs such as speakers, film, music, dance, etc.

- To provide programming designed to

- Coordinate Centers activities with other university athletic, arts,

challenge student’s interests and values

academic department events

related to the environment and other social

- Oversee the fraternity and sorority programs


- Maintain and communicate the campus calendar


- Publish a "Daily" news publication and a monthly newsletter to the


campus community, and provide posting space for university events


- Provide for numerous types and styles of gathering environments for


our diverse population


- Coordinate a large recycling program for all university centers’ units


PHYSICAL DIMENSION GOAL - To challenge and support students to develop attitudes which result in flexibility, strength, endurance, good nutrition, safety practices and medical self-care.





- To provide information and assistance

- Consultation with students and staff experiencing psycho-physical distress

with psycho-physical problems

- Relaxation training

- To promote awareness of connections

between physical and emotional well-


- Test anxiety management

- Individual counseling

Health Center


- To provide a responsive medicine

- A full range of clinical, pharmacy, and laboratory services

program so that health problems, illness

- Provide class required medical clearances

and injury may be assessed and treatment

- Coordinate the FIT STOP (fun, information and testing mobile physical

or access to treatment be provided. This

assessment unit)

includes the initiation of required

- Educational video library

programs of rehabilitation.

- Provide immunization, venereal disease screenings, sex education,

- To provide programs for the prevention

contraceptive counseling, athletic examinations, etc.

of illness and injury

- Programs by the Health staff and lifestyle Assistants such as smoke

- To provide programs which make it

cessation, weight management, body fat testing, men/women’s health

possible for students to improve their

issues, weight training, massage, nutrition information and STD/AIDS

own level of personal health and well-



- Provide health screening opportunities

University Housing


- To promote and support abstinence or

- Provide safety procedures and safety programs

responsible use of potentially addicting

- AODA programs and interventions

substances to minimize behaviors of risk

- Weapons control with Campus Security

- To encourage the development of healthy

- Staff modeling of physical care

sexual behaviors and attitudes

- Programs on sexual orientation and lifestyles

- To encourage students to develop

- Hall wellness clubs and a wellness hall

behaviors and attitudes which result in

- Weight/fitness rooms

healthy, on-going self-care practices

- Intramural coordination



Physical Objectives continued

Rights and Responsibilities


- To promote and support abstinence or

- LIVE program for AODA first offenders

responsible use of addictive substances


which lead to loss of behavioral control


University Centers


- To encourage and provide opportunities

- Indoor and outdoor recreation programs

for recreation, fitness and leisure time

- Provide support for recreational activities and club sports


- Allen Recreation and Aerobics Center

- To promote safe, physically health

- Nutrition education and healthy dining alternatives

behaviors and attitudes

- Safety procedures and programs


- Strict smoking and alcohol use policies


- Wellness taught as part of staff and officer training programs


INTELLECTUAL DIMENSION GOAL - To challenge and support students to succeed academically and to utilize their knowledge, creativity and intellectual curiosity while

solving problems in and out of the classroom.





- To provide psychological services to

- Individual academic assistance counseling

students experiencing difficulties with

- Testing for intelligence, career, achievement, study skills, etc.

academic work

- Testing services for academic departments


- Group information sessions on becoming an effective student,


becoming a better test taker, managing time, etc.

Health Center


- To provide support for the university’s

- Staff provide guest lectures and when requested by academic

academic mission

departments serve as instructor of record


- Provide supervision for practicum experiences for students in wellness


related majors


- Support faculty, staff and students with wellness video library and information

University Housing


- To help teach students developmental

- Academic resource coordinator program

skills necessary for academic success

- Community established quiet hours

- To provide a wide range of programs

- Staff referral resources for learning assistance and advising

which stimulate intellectual curiosity

- Faculty mentor program

- To create opportunities for students to be

- Academic recognition programs

involved in creative problem-solving and

- Attend theater, cultural events, and social issue forums with residents

critical thinking experiences

- Computer labs and study lounges in each hall


- Lifestyle options such as language wing and special quiet/study floors

University Centers


- To provide necessary support to the

- Textbook rental and University Store materials

university’s academic mission

- Non credit mini courses

- To create opportunities for student

- Co-teach a four level leadership series and provide informal leadership

involvement and programs which

workshops and leadership library

challenge and stimulate thinking

- Arrange for extensive conference/workshop schedule during school which


maximizes the educational potential of our facilities


- Promote campus cultural arts performances and lectures


- Provide individual and group study areas




CAREER DIMENSION GOAL - To challenge and support students to seek progressive skill development opportunities and encourage the integration of each students’ unique talents, interests and values in their career preparation.




- To encourage career decisions based on

realistic assessment of self, environment

and opportunities

- Individual counseling related to career choices

- Interest, ability and talent assessment

- Career information resources

- To provide information and consultation


to students regarding college, major and


career related decisions


Health Services


- To provide career related experiences for

- Student employment opportunities in health services

those interested in the health field

- Outreach activities for the Student Health Advisory committee and the


Lifestyle Assistant program

University Housing


- To facilitate programs which expand

- Individual career consultation

students’ awareness about career choices

- Skill development training for student staff, desk workers, academic resource

- To promote and support activities and

coordinators, and other employees

organizations which provide experiential

- Skill development training for student organization officers, hall/house

learning and skill development

government reps, orientation assistants, intramural coordinators, and other

- To assist students with the identification


and development of their skills

- Presentations on resumes, graduate schools, skill articulation, etc.

University Centers


- To provide opportunities for involvement

- Skill development training and support for student organization officers and

in organizational, community service,


and student employment programs

- Student employment opportunities and training for the University Centers

- To provide training for students who

student employees

choose to participate in student

- Structure, advising and training for the community volunteer/service/learning

involvement programs



- University Student Employment Office offers both Workstudy and Job


Location and Development opportunities for hundreds of students


EMOTIONAL DIMENSION GOAL - To challenge and support students to understand and express their emotions in a healthy manner and to learn how to manage personal problems and crises.



- To provide information and psychological

- Individual and group psychological counseling and psychotherapy

development opportunities through

- Crisis intervention services

psychological counseling, psychotherapy,

- Consultation with numerous on-campus programs, with parents and

educational self-help and consultation

and with outside agencies

- To assist students in identifying and

resolving emotional difficulties

- Provide informational sessions on topics such as stress, esteem, etc.

- Employee assistance program


- Psychological assessment and evaluation services


-Provide a self-help library

Heath Service


- To work cooperatively with the

- Direct referral from health service clinical staff

Counseling Center on cases related to

- Extensive video library on emotional well-being

emotional distress

- Programming through the Lifestyle Assistant program on topics such as


healthy relationships, stress, massage, anxiety, self-esteem, etc.

University Housing


- To teach students to differentiate between

- Teach through conduct interventions

feelings and the behavioral response to

- Programming around self-awareness profiles such as MBTI and personality

those feelings



Emotional Objectives continued

- To teach students to take responsibility

- Train staff and hall leaders on mental health referral resources

for their own feelings in community

- Teach conflict resolution through roommate agreements and floor

matters and to address others appropriately


- To encourage students to seek

- Train staff and hall leaders in assertive language and behaviors

assistance from others in time of need

- Environments include private spaces

Rights and Responsibilities


- To enforce university policies and state

- Refer students to counseling, alcohol treatment or other community agencies

laws which demand that students manage

- Provide the SOAR program for students susceptible to peer pressure

their feelings and related behaviors

- Provide referral assistance to those experiencing the effects of violence

University Centers


- To teach students to become more self

- Place hundreds of students in responsible positions, train them, provide

aware and to take responsibility for their

feedback and promote them when appropriate

own feelings and actions

- Teach assertiveness skills, values clarification and self-awareness

- To provide opportunities for students to

methods in staff/officer training

develop competencies and to grow more

- Oversee the provision of mentors for every involvement opportunity




SPIRITUAL DIMENSION GOAL - To challenge and support students in their search for meaning and purpose in life and to encourage them to live by values based on their on-going moral development.





- To provide information and assistance

- Provide consultation related to value clarification and integrity

related to values clarification and

- Provide self-help information

behavioral integrity

- Individual counseling

University Housing


- To provide opportunities where students

- Values clarification training for staff and hall officers/leaders

can identify and develop their own values

- Challenge behaviors incongruent with university standards, and state

and beliefs

and local laws

- To provide opportunities for students to

- Create programs and support others which teach cultural understanding;

increase their awareness of different

Black History Month, Native American Pow Wow, International

cultures, values and beliefs

Festival, etc.

- To provide opportunities for students to

- Support student initiated religious study groups

become more accepting of self and others

- Feature an international hall experience

through improved self-esteem


Rights and Responsibilities


- To challenge students to look at the

- Adjudication/conduct board hearings and educational sanctions when

relationship between university

appropriate as per standards set down in UWS Chapters 14, 17, & 18

standards, their individual values and

- Referral to counseling, lifestyle assistants, community service

and their behaviors

programs, campus ministries etc.

University Centers


- To provide opportunities and create

- Teach values clarification and ethics as part of student training

situations where students will be

- Advise, administer to and encourage participation in the community

challenged to clarify their values/beliefs

volunteer/service/learning program

and consider those of others

- Produce and promote the social issues series

- To provide opportunities for students to

- Encourage and support student organization philanthropic fund-raisers

learn more about themselves through the

- Coordinate campus blood drive

unselfish service to others



The goals, objectives and programs listed above are sensitive to societal and environmental change. Student Development is continually assessing, researching and reviewing functions in order to keep them vital to the missions of the university and the needs of our students.